Cell line (Human astrocytoma Bethesda)
Examples for "case 25 "
Examples for "case 25 "
1 The number of deaths in the State stands at 1,764 and the number of confirmed cases 25,942, the Health Protection Surveillance Centre (HPSC) said.
1 Both nn and rn let you create killfiles, but in different ways.
2 In nn , hit a capital J; in rn, a small c.
3 When you use nn , your host system looks in a file called .newsrc.
4 The command for that in nn is a capital Z.
5 There are online decoders to read these; nn and rn have them built in.
6 Usenet newsreaders such as rn and nn let you do this with one key.
7 Typing " nn newsgroup" for every newsgroup can get awfully tiring after awhile.
8 Exit nn and at your host system's command line, type
9 If you hit return, nn will ask you which article's subject you're tired of.
10 If you are in nn , hitting a capital Y will bring up a similar list.
11 What the life of animals is, however, was shown above ( nn .
12 The nn and rn programs work differently when it comes to posting entirely new messages.
13 To keep a person from premature spiritual experience, nn .
14 Bill Wohler posts a guide to using the nn newsreader in the news.answers and news.software newsgroups.
15 Also see what was shown above on the subject ( nn .
16 This process will also set up your reading list for nn , if you prefer that newsreader.
Other examples for "nn"
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